God made Adam and Eva

I attended the wedding of my friends, Fung Fung and Cynthia (above), last Saturday. It was held in City Hall and there were quite a number of guests. Of course, the wedding couldn't be perfect without a bunch of 'la sing' friends - Brenda, Vera, '大家姐', '宋慧喬', 小白, a girl whom I don't know the name but always laughed, and myself. The wedding went well in the beginning. We took a lot of photos and 小白 was the main camera man! We all know he loves taking photos, but I am not sure if he actually enjoys taking photos in a wedding. I still remember at one point in time, when he was taking pictures for the couples and their guests, he turned around and said to me, "I didn't expect I would need to take pictures in this wedding." Then he turned around again to continue his shooting. Poor 小白! I simply froze there without knowing what to say to him. I understood his concern. He was supposed to be a guest, not a photographer. However, deep inside, I had the feeling of "well, but who else?" So I let him continue his shooting while I walked away with mental struggles...
About half an hour later, we needed to enter the Wedding Hall. I was, just like other guests, very excited and happy... until the registrar asked me to sit down, in the 'main table'.

Anyway, I didn't have much time to think because the registrar came in very soon and started to say the disclaimer right away. Then the groom and the bride took turn to say the promise! After that, they exchanged rings and signed on the certificate. Then the registrar passed it to me. I was supposed to make fun of the couples and ask the floor if anyone had any objections. It was a promise made to the 'la sing' friends, but I was just too nervous (and happy) and simply forgot! Sorry guys!

You might be laughing when I say '三年抱孫' (translation: get a grandchild in three years). Don't laugh. If you laugh, it means you are completely out of touch with the Hong Kong society. Why do I say that? Well, because the young people nowadays grow really fast. We all went to Cafe TOO in Island Shangri-La to have a buffet lunch after the ceremony, and the bride introduced her niece - 咸餅 - to us. She is quite cute and only 14 years old, but she already has had several boyfriends and knows several languages - Cantonese, English, Mandarin and foul language. Plus she can travel on her own to anywhere she wants. Only 14 years old! Do you remember what you knew or did when you were 14? I don't. I couldn't even remember if I ever had lived the year 14... Anyway, my point is: the young people these days are advancing so quickly that I believe in 100 years' time, they would have married and had babies by the age of 10. So 三年抱孫 is not impossible after all.
Oh, where am I? Oh, yes, the buffet. To be honest, the buffet is really impressive. It is probably one of the best I have ever had. There are so many varieties of cuisines - Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Dim Sum, Indian, seafood, fresh fruits, and desserts! And the quality is a thumbs-up! Absolutely fantastic. I will definitely visit there again soon.
After the buffet, we went to Hong Kong Park to take more photos. 小白 had left earlier, so his 'camera man' role now relied on my shoulders. I don't want to say much because you can tell from the photos. Happy couple, happy friends!
And you think this is the end of the day? No la. Next, we all went to Cynthia's home and held a little birthday celebration - one of them being me. My birthday is in July, but since Fung Fung and Cynthia had to go back to Shanghai, my 'la sing' friends wanted to celebrate earlier - by almost 3 weeks. They had certainly beaten my other friends and become the first to celebrate my birthday! Thank you, guys! And what did I get for my birthday? A lot of stuff. Here is the list:
1. A black T-shirt with colorful wordings that say "You don't need to be SMART to choose Christ. But to go to Hell, you've got to be STUPID. Heaven or Hell, it's up to you." (Well, none of them believes in Christ yet, so are they hinting something on their own self???)
2. A green cap that says "A3" and with some shiny pieces on it
3. A CD of 陶喆
4. A CD of 王力宏
5. A paper bag that holds all of the above
Guess which one I like the most? Yes, of course the 1st one. Guess which one I like the least? The bag? No. The cap? No. Well, I won't tell you.
Basically, I think they want to 'convert' me, gradually, to a hip-hopper, so that I can rap Leehom's songs together with them in karaoke. No way! Don't even think. Ha... But my true thanks to these 'la sing' friends. They always make me laugh and smile. I hope they are all happy in their life, and believe in Jesus ASAP.
God bless Lasing-rica!
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